The Resilience of Nature

     I like to keep houseplants, but when I first started, I was constantly worried that I would mess up and kill them. But then a lady from my Church told me, that I shouldn't worry because, "Life wants to live."

    Behind my house, is a rock quarry. It's about 35-feet at its deepest with tall rock bluffs to jump from. Before my parents bought the property, people would come party nearly every weekend. Now, more than 30 years later, I have to remind my friends to watch where they step because there could be glass. Specifically, there is an area behind some rocks, I refer to as "The Graveyard", where you will spot old beer bottles and cans anywhere you look. Despite the litter, I think it is interesting, and while I don't support the consumption of alcohol, each bottle reminds me of parties from long ago and I think about the people that were here. 

    One thing I find particularly interesting about it, is that some of these bottles can be reasonably dated to 50+ years ago, and after all this time, nature has found ways around it, to continue to grow and thrive despite the man-made rubbish. It reminds me of the resilience of nature and how much "life wants to live."

"Glass Leaf" This shard of glass resembles a leaf, so I took a proximity shot to show its details in the sun. Notice the edges are not sharp after years of being outside, in the elements.

This POV shot shows the inside of one of the many, nearly buried bottles, it is not uncommon to see greenery and moss growing inside of them, like terrariums. 

While this photo doesn't necessarily showcase "litter", this photo shows trees growing around and over barb-wire and uses the rule of thirds to reinforce the message that; when left alone, nature will be fine. 


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